Wednesday, June 17, 2009

And it starts...

I know I said I wouldn't let the monster go see his dad again after last year but I really don't have much of a choice. However I did let his father know my stipulations about the vehicle and daycare.
The monster left on Friday, he flew down with his Grandmother. And today the saga begins. All I can do is laugh but at first I was really annoyed.
The monster calls me from his grandmother's phone today and when I asked where his phone was he told me he father took it with him to work! Are you kidding me? I do not pay monthly for his father to use the phone I pay so that I can have as little contact with his father as possible!
So I called the monsters phone and his dad tried to tell me the monster left it in the car, no he didn't! Then when he heard that I didn't believe him he told me the truth that he is using it while he is at work. So I calmly and nicely explained I pay for the phone so I can talk to the monster not my ex husband! I asked if this is going to be a continuing thing while the monster is with him and he said it isn't. I don't believe him at all.
I am so frustrated by this. When my ex left he was making double what I was making but didn't bother to pay me any type of child support or even take the monster very often. I did it all while I was still in college! I have worked my tail off to get to where I am and to make sure I can have the things I want and can afford to treat my son. I have only started getting child support this year, we split up in 2005!!!! It took almost 4 years to get the child support thing worked out and only because I went and filed for it. Now the ex has dropped his health insurrance so my son doesn't have any at present. I am probably going to have to put him on my policy which will eat up most of the money I am getting for child support, wonderful!!!
I did not get myself pregnant, I did not decide on my own to keep the child so where does he get off deciding he is done after 4 years? And where does he get off thinking I will take this lying down! ARG!!!!!
I guess stay tuned for the rest of this story since I am sure it's not completely over....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Today during my lunch break I had some errands to run. One of which brought me right across the street from my dad's job so I called to see if he wanted lunch, he didn't but said to stop by. He wasn't in his office when I got there so another woman helped me. She asked who I was here for when I said my dads name she asked if I was his wife. OMFG! are you kidding me!
1. I look 12!! I get carded all the time 2. I look just like my dad! come on now. So when I got skeeved out and told her I was his daughter she responded sorry I have only met your brother. again are f--ing kidding me??? One of my brothers is 22 the other is 19 there is no way in hell I look old enough to be a parent to that age child! So grossed out!!!
When my dad comes down the hall the lady tells him she thought I might be his wife and even he said are you kidding me I am not a cradle robber, that's my daughter.
So that was my lovely day, I am still skeeved out and want to go home and to bed and forget this idiotic woman!!!