Monday, March 12, 2012


I was tagged last month and did start this but am horrible about posting so I am finishing it tonight.

1. If money were no object, what would you buy right no
Brand new furniture to go in my brand new house.

2. Who is your favorite TV character and why?
Charlotte from Private Practice, she has a banging career, a great husband, is strong woman who speaks her mind and isn't afraid to offend others with her opinions.

3. What shameful habit do you have?

I become obsessed with something and have to finish weather that be a book or a tv series so I will spend all of my time doing that and nothing else.

4. What toy do you wish you could play with right now but refrain from because you're an adult?
Not a toy but Dream Date, the old board game from middle school.

5. What strange thing is in your purse right now?
A can of mase, its strange bc it's pink, bc I HATE pink.

6. What talent do you wish you had?
the talent to lose weight at will.

7. What website do you visit on a regular basis? (pinterest and facebook don't count)

8. What state would you live in if you could live in any state in the US?
One of the Carolina's. I just like the way that sounds, I live in North or South Caroline. I would still be on the east coast but the weather would be warmer longer. Oh and closer to FL so I could visit Disney or Harry Potter World.

9. What is your favorite local restaurant? (no chains allowed)
The Alamo in Hyattsville

10. Fruity or chocolaty?

11. What weird things bother you that wouldn't bother other people?
I HATE smacking lips or sucking teeth or eating with your mouth open. Most of my coworkers seem to fall into this realm of annoyingness. I have to use my earbuds to ignore them bc they are so loud. Come on now people were you raised by wolves?

So according to these rules:
**You must post the rules {?!}
**Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you & then create 11 questions to ask the people you’ve tagged
**Tag 11 people and link them in your post
**Let them know you have tagged them

I now must tag 11 people but I do not know who would be willing to do this. If you are willing to do this consider yourself tagged, here are my questions:
1. Why do you like do you like to answer questions?
2.What is your favorite TV show and why?
3. if you could live someone's TV life, who's?
4. If you could play or play an instrument what would/is it?
5.What color best describes you?
6. What is your dream job?
7. Can you recommend a great book to read?
8.If you could live anywhere where would it be and why?
9.Muppets or fraggles?
10.What smartphone would you recommend and why?
11.What is your favorite 80's movie?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Planned Parenthood

Most of the time my posts are stories about my lovely love life or my frustrations with my ex. Today I am taking a different tone here and I hope if you are reading you bear with me. I tend to try to keep my politics to myself bc I am a liberal surrounded by conservatives. Mind you I love all of these conservatives dearly I just utterly disagree with them. I don't want to cause strain so I simply avoid topics that I know are going to cause disagreements. But lately I have heard a lot about planned parenthood and its all driving me nuts.

Planned Parenthood is not simply an abortion provider, yes that is a legal service they provide, but they also provide MANY more services to help women with low incomes get the healthcare they so desperately need. I find it appalling that bc they provide abortions people are willing to write off the good they do. When Susan G Komen decided to pull their grant money from Planned Parenthood, I was pissed bc clearly they were bowing to the conservative view point and didn't pay attention to the laws and what the money from their grants actually went to which is breast cancer screening. That just so happens to be what SGK is all about, right?

SGK did reverse their position and give the grants back to planned parenthood after a public outcry but it doesn't appear that it was a permanent reversal but just for this year. I wonder what will happen next year will they continue to give grants to PP or drop the line item from their budget?