Lately the news has been full of clerical errors that have lead to people not serving the jail time they were supposed to. For every instance of a person turning their life around after the clerical error there are not good instances. For instance the Missouri man who never received his day to start serving his sentence for 13 years. In those 13 years he became a productive part of society and didn't repeat his criminal behavior. However there was a gentleman in Colorado who was released 4 years early killed the states corrections chief that showed up at his door.
The case that got me the most confused was that of Rene Lima-Martin who was convicted of armed robbery in Colorado and sentenced to 98 years in prison, clearly there were many charges more charges, however everything I have read about the case sounds like the gentleman committed 2 armed robberies and was caught. He was convicted on 8 charges and had to serve them back to back rather than simultaneously so he was essentially sentenced to life. However due to a clerical error he was released in 8 years and since then has become a productive member of society, completed parole, and did not repeat his criminal behavior. however when Colorado figured out their error they sent him back to jail. Now I understand he needs to complete his sentence what I do not understand is why his sentence was so long to begin with. I am starting to wonder what his socioeconomic standing is? Plainly stated is he poor? How did this man get such a harsh sentence. Maybe the news articles I have read don't give a full picture of his criminal history. I do not think the articles would omit if he has killed someone though. (Here is one article about him :
What has compelled this blog post you are wondering. It was the fact that after thinking about Rene and his blight this weekend I read an article about a 21 year old driver in MD who hit and killed a motorcyclist while texting and driving and her punishment is a $500 file. ARE YOU FLIPPING KIDDING ME??? (Here is that article, or really just a press release: The article says that there are conflicting eyewitness accounts. However the bottom line is that this driver was texting while driving and killed someone. Texting while driving is illegal and they killed someone. Their only punishment is a fine???? What is wrong with this justice system?