Monday, June 10, 2019

I am Pro-Choice

I am Pro-Choice, I choose to have my son at 17 and it was HARD and I had a great support system. I had my family, my sons family, my church family, friends, and later my partners family that were all supportive. It was still the hardest thing I have ever done. I cannot fathom why people feel its their right to put rights on someone else's body.

I don't understand why in 2019 women are still under attack. These laws that are being enacted against women, where are the laws against men? What is being done to stop men from making babies and leaving? Are there new laws being enacted to support the women and children after they are born? These laws are supposedly about children and saving them. Ok so these children have life, now what? You have made it so they must be born but have any laws been enacted to support these children once they were born?

Are there laws being enacted that force the men in these situations to take care of their children? It does take a man and woman to create life. My son's father stood by me when I had my son but 4 years later decided he was done and left. It took me a lot of time and money to get help from the state to make him pay what he was supposed to pay.

My situation whereas is annoying is not as bad as others but here is what I had to deal with. My ex left me when I was still in college, he was making 2 x's as much as I was when we divorced. I wasn't even making $20K a year. He didn't pay child support for YEARS!!! I had to put him into the child support system to get anything out of him. In putting him in the system I had to pay all the fees associated with the child support account I set up. There was a set up fee. There was an annual fee, there was a fee if more then $X was collected in a calendar year, there was a fee if the state had to take his taxes from him bc he was behind. All those fees were paid by me. He was given the credit for them in his child support, so for example if he owed $300 that month and the fee was $25 he received credit for paying $300 and I received $275. He never had to pay a fee so the child was always shorted.

Our divorce agreement also stated he would cover health insurance, that lasted maybe a two years and that is being generous but it was calculated as part of his portion of support even though I covered it since my son was 6. He was supposed to pay 60 % of out of pocket expenses, he paid $0. My parents helped me out if things go crazy like when my son needed braces. I paid for all of my son's extracurricular activities, no help from his father at all.

I know that my situation was annoying but by far was better than many other people face. So this comes back to my question, what is being done to support these children that are being born to mothers who didn't want to carry them for one reason or another? Are the foster care systems getting more funding? Are adoption policies being updated to make them easier for people who want to adopt to be able to? On the flip side if the mother chooses to keep the child what support is being given to her? Is the father being forced to pay child support? Are the child support systems being redesigned so that if the father moves states, like my ex did, that they talk to each other. My ex moved twice after our split to two different states. It took years to get it straight bc the states give each other months to respond to requests.

Where is the help after the child is born? There is so much more to life than just being born. There is so much more wrong within our country that needs to be addressed aside from regulating women's reproductive organs!

So... from my understanding (and I admit I could be wrong) vasectomies are simple procedures AND reversible. So why not create a law that makes men get a vasectomy until they have been deemed responsible enough to have children? That could help bring down the amount of unwanted pregnancies and would put some responsibility on the other partner of the pregnancy equation. 

I choose to have my son, I was lucky to have that choice. I have stood by my friends as they have had children on their own or with partners. I have also sat in planned parenthood an entire day supporting a friend who choose not to have a child. It is not my business what someone else chooses to do, nor is it yours to judge my decisions. I know plenty of people who disagree with me and that is fine everyone is entitled to their own opinions but your opinion does not get to regulate my body. If we cannot sterilize child molesters bc they have rights, then you should not be able to regulate my reproductive organs bc I have rights.