I sit here tonight avoiding balancing my check book and looking at my bills, it will only depress me. So what do I do I watch a lifetime network movie??? That makes sense right? I get caught on these things b/c I will see a famous actress and think oh it can't be that bad. I saw Kirstin Dunst in one movie called 15 and Pregnant and I think I stayed up til 1am watching this cheesetackular movie. Well tonight I am watching Gracie's Choice b/c Kristen Bell is in it. (So is Anne Heche but I figure Lifetime movies are whats next for her-sorry to be mean)
Its about a woman (Anne) and her 5 children with 5 baby daddy's. Her eldest, Gracie (Kristen), who winds up taking care of her half siblings taking parental custody from her mom. So in the course of Gracie's life she bounces around a lot and is just over looked everywhere. I know this is for dramatic effect well it worked.
I was watching her interaction with these counselors and I have been trying to think about what I want to do when I grow up and I think I have decided some form of counselor is it. I want to help people, I have been told that I can look at things objectively (I realize this only happens when I look at something that is not about me!) and people talk to me. I have found that I am the person who keeps being told things.
I am not complaining about this its just odd sometimes. When this woman at work pulls me aside to complain about our boss which I don't do b/c I like him and was odd b/c she is new and we don't talk. So now I have this information and I want fix it, you know talk to the boss man about it because there appears to be a huge problem with this particular co-worker and my question is does anyone else know? Shouldn't this be fixed. Yes I am a fixer.
So I think I want to go back to school for my masters in a form of counseling. I don't know if that will by guidance b/c I don't really want to deal with all the drama of schools but I would like to help. Maybe I figure it out in school. Now to figure out how to get paid for this school b/c otherwise I cannot afford it. And to figure out if I can even take classes, with the monster my time is precious. I have been thinking about this for a while and now I am thinking about waiting until he is a bit older and can be home on his own. But now that I know what I want I don't want to wait. Oh the issues and it all came out of a ridiculous movie. Awesome right?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Break time at work
So I was taking a little break at work today getting my fill on the interweb and what do I come across but this article:
It was on the MSN homepage. This family from NJ has named their son Adolf Hitler b/c the name is unique. WTF? Ok so I am reading this article and the dad is trying to defend his actions by saying he likes the name and wanted his son to have a unique name. He is upset b/c a store wouldn't spell out his son's name on a birthday cake, these people had to go to PA to a Wal-Mart before getting it done. I may be able to excuse this lapse in judgement had the article not said they have also wanted to have a swaticka on a cake before and had their other kids names not been... wait for it...JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie what is this about???
Oh but dad said if his children grow up to hang out with other races he will be fine with that? Really???
This is why there is hate out there in this world!!! Are you kidding me? I mean come on now!! Hate is a learned thing and I bet these children are being taught things at home that other parents aren't going to like. I remember a young girl calling my son the N word, I was so pissed b/c I had to explain to him that that is a bad bad word and then try to figure out how to deal with this child and her grandmother. This girl was 6 at the time! You know she picked that up at home. The worst part about that was it happened at a friends wedding and I didn't want to cause a scene but how else do you handle that???
So all in all why is this still going on? I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but can't they try to see things from other perspectives?
Now back to the grind stone.
It was on the MSN homepage. This family from NJ has named their son Adolf Hitler b/c the name is unique. WTF? Ok so I am reading this article and the dad is trying to defend his actions by saying he likes the name and wanted his son to have a unique name. He is upset b/c a store wouldn't spell out his son's name on a birthday cake, these people had to go to PA to a Wal-Mart before getting it done. I may be able to excuse this lapse in judgement had the article not said they have also wanted to have a swaticka on a cake before and had their other kids names not been... wait for it...JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie what is this about???
Oh but dad said if his children grow up to hang out with other races he will be fine with that? Really???
This is why there is hate out there in this world!!! Are you kidding me? I mean come on now!! Hate is a learned thing and I bet these children are being taught things at home that other parents aren't going to like. I remember a young girl calling my son the N word, I was so pissed b/c I had to explain to him that that is a bad bad word and then try to figure out how to deal with this child and her grandmother. This girl was 6 at the time! You know she picked that up at home. The worst part about that was it happened at a friends wedding and I didn't want to cause a scene but how else do you handle that???
So all in all why is this still going on? I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but can't they try to see things from other perspectives?
Now back to the grind stone.
Friday, November 28, 2008
This is just wrong
I spent of the day in the house tonight. We went to the mall to get a gift for my mom and to the movies but nothing big and it wasn't a big mess. I come home and decide to check the headlines how fucked up has this world become when 200 people trample a wal-mart employee to death as he was opening the doors for the 5am sale. This article also says that people didn't stop rushing into the store until police put tape up in front of the door. What is wrong with people???
I am so upset by this I had to share. Where is the holiday spirit? I mean is it really getting the hottest item or the cheapest? I thought it was giving someone something you know they will like. I happen to love this time of year but not b/c of the gifts I receive but b/c of the ones I give and the decorations. I want to go see Miracle on 34th street in Baltimore, for those in the area who haven't been I recommend it, its a couple of blocks in Baltimore that each house on the street decorate and not just a little but to the hills. It's so pretty.
As I type this there is a commercial for Christmas movies/specials which is another thing I love about this time of year that I thought I should share.
Well I am done now that I have shared my outrage in this world!!!
I spent of the day in the house tonight. We went to the mall to get a gift for my mom and to the movies but nothing big and it wasn't a big mess. I come home and decide to check the headlines how fucked up has this world become when 200 people trample a wal-mart employee to death as he was opening the doors for the 5am sale. This article also says that people didn't stop rushing into the store until police put tape up in front of the door. What is wrong with people???
I am so upset by this I had to share. Where is the holiday spirit? I mean is it really getting the hottest item or the cheapest? I thought it was giving someone something you know they will like. I happen to love this time of year but not b/c of the gifts I receive but b/c of the ones I give and the decorations. I want to go see Miracle on 34th street in Baltimore, for those in the area who haven't been I recommend it, its a couple of blocks in Baltimore that each house on the street decorate and not just a little but to the hills. It's so pretty.
As I type this there is a commercial for Christmas movies/specials which is another thing I love about this time of year that I thought I should share.
Well I am done now that I have shared my outrage in this world!!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!
Thanksgiving 2008
Its not even noon yet and I already have my first wound. I got a call on Tuesday asking if I could make a chicken dish for the ex laws that I used to make when I was married. I cant say no to anyone so of course I said yes.
Well I am working on this dish which takes too much time which is why I don't make it very often. I had just read my friends blog about her oven going up in smoke so when I started to hear noises from my oven I was thinking oh shit I have to turn it off and head out to the ex laws now to cook. Blah.
Then I remembered there was a skillet thing in the oven so I looked and that was what the noises were from, awesome!!! I pull out the skillet with one hand a potato and knife in the other and my child no where to be found b/c I needed someplace to put this pan. The stove was and still is covered in the pots I need to cook this dish. I yell for the child who has disappeared into the bathroom (as of late this has been a regular occurrence, this will have to be saved for another blog) so the kid is no help. Fine I get that all situated and go back to peeling and cutting potatoes.
It comes time to wash a potato and what does my dumb ass do???? I burned my arm-my war wound! So I yelped b/c it hurt, the kid calls back, "now what?" Oh hell no child where do you get off saying now what? He has been playing with his figures and complaining that I won't let him turn off the parade, damn it this is going to be our tradition if I have to drag him into it kicking and screaming!!!
So I have my first war wound, in a couple of hours we will be off the ex laws, lets see if anything else fun happens while I am there and an updated post will be needed, cross your fingers for not!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Its not even noon yet and I already have my first wound. I got a call on Tuesday asking if I could make a chicken dish for the ex laws that I used to make when I was married. I cant say no to anyone so of course I said yes.
Well I am working on this dish which takes too much time which is why I don't make it very often. I had just read my friends blog about her oven going up in smoke so when I started to hear noises from my oven I was thinking oh shit I have to turn it off and head out to the ex laws now to cook. Blah.
Then I remembered there was a skillet thing in the oven so I looked and that was what the noises were from, awesome!!! I pull out the skillet with one hand a potato and knife in the other and my child no where to be found b/c I needed someplace to put this pan. The stove was and still is covered in the pots I need to cook this dish. I yell for the child who has disappeared into the bathroom (as of late this has been a regular occurrence, this will have to be saved for another blog) so the kid is no help. Fine I get that all situated and go back to peeling and cutting potatoes.
It comes time to wash a potato and what does my dumb ass do???? I burned my arm-my war wound! So I yelped b/c it hurt, the kid calls back, "now what?" Oh hell no child where do you get off saying now what? He has been playing with his figures and complaining that I won't let him turn off the parade, damn it this is going to be our tradition if I have to drag him into it kicking and screaming!!!
So I have my first war wound, in a couple of hours we will be off the ex laws, lets see if anything else fun happens while I am there and an updated post will be needed, cross your fingers for not!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wedding drama
Ok so I was in a wedding this past weekend and there was tons of drama and it's still going on and I want to scream! So I am going to blog about everything and let it all out...
When the bride got engaged her cousin appointed herself maid of honor. Ok that can be over looked if she was a good maid of honor but she is where all the drama started so here is what she did or didn't do:
1. MOH lives a couple of states away so she had to come down to the wedding location. But she doesn't have a car so she was going to take the train with her 2 daughters and mother on Wed but couldn't b/c of a work obigation. This is no biggie and well annoying at the last minute something that can be gotten over. So she was to be down no later than 8 pm on Thursday but decided at the last minute that this was too expensive and she wanted to take the grey hound bus in which case she wouldn't be down here until 2 am Friday morning and would need to be picked up in the heart of DC???!!!!???? are you kidding me??? well then she decided that wasn't going to work for whatever reason so she would come in at 10:30 am the day before the wedding and still need to be picked up. I have no idea what time she finally got into the state but the bride didn't pick her up the brides grammy did so the MOH didn't get down to the bride until 2:20-3pm. This day was supposed to be spent getting little things done in the AM and getting mani/pedi's in the afternoon. She missed all of this b/c she can't driver herself down.
2. The bride was so laid back about the dresses. She told us at the beginning of the year she wanted us in black, she didn't care what type of dress as long as it was black. No problem, that is so great, my dress cost $19.99 awesome!!! Well the MOH had her daughters in the wedding as jr. bridesmaids. Instead of spending the 10 months before the wedding finding a dress that would work she waited until the last minute and had her mother make the girls dresses. She told the bride the dresses would have a white jacket over them but would be all black. Well she lied!!!! The dresses had a white top and a black skirt bottom b/c the girls needed a black and white dress for band. When the bride gets mad b/c this is not what she wanted the MOH gets mad at the bride and tells her she is being a bridezilla. So the bride decides she wants to buy the girls dresses but the MOH tells her it would kill her mother if the girls don't wear her home made dresses. My response to that was that the girls would wear those to band things but the wedding dress was supposed to be all black. Get over yourself.
3. My pet peeve is that the MOH did nothing with her hair nor did she wear any make up that I could tell. She was in a wedding she should have done something.
4. And finally the date came onto and kissed my date!!!! Yes I told her he was my friend however he was still there with me!!! It is not my fault she had no date and she had no right to kiss my date. I know he is not completely blameless and I did speak to him about this but still I am so mad at her for her whorishness!!!
So after all of this I have kept my mouth shut. I did not say anything to the whore of a MOH for kissing my date and why b/c it was the brides day and drama needed to stay out of it. I tried very hard to keep the children in line so neither the bride nor groom would have to deal with it. I tried she on the other had did all she could to disrupt everything and now, now the bride's grandmother is guilting her telling her that the day shouldn't have been all about the bride and she owes the MOH an apology. Like hell she does!! The MOH was all in the wrong and is only mad that she has no man herself and maybe if she didn't try to sleep with anything with a willy then she would have a man. Oh and maybe if she could get her stuff together and move out on her own instead of living with her mother! That may help. I think she wants a man to come in and take care of her and you know what I don't know if there are too many men out there that want to deal with all of that. She needs to grow up and get her own life.
As for the rest of the brides family, why are they all snowed by the MOH??? How is she the victim in all of this? She didn't do anything she was supposed to do and could not be counted on. Oh yes and she was supposed to bring a card for the digital camera and didn't do I did the day of the wedding. I had to buy it b/c she couldn't be bothered to help. I am so happy she lives so far away b/c if I never see her again it will be too late.
I am sorry bridie but I think you need to write off the majority of your family. MOH is selfish and everyone else falls for her b.s. If they can't be supportive they can walk away. MOH is not innocent in all of this and doesn't deserve a free pass b/c she was drinking, she shouldn't drink if she cannot behave herself-plain and simple.
When the bride got engaged her cousin appointed herself maid of honor. Ok that can be over looked if she was a good maid of honor but she is where all the drama started so here is what she did or didn't do:
1. MOH lives a couple of states away so she had to come down to the wedding location. But she doesn't have a car so she was going to take the train with her 2 daughters and mother on Wed but couldn't b/c of a work obigation. This is no biggie and well annoying at the last minute something that can be gotten over. So she was to be down no later than 8 pm on Thursday but decided at the last minute that this was too expensive and she wanted to take the grey hound bus in which case she wouldn't be down here until 2 am Friday morning and would need to be picked up in the heart of DC???!!!!???? are you kidding me??? well then she decided that wasn't going to work for whatever reason so she would come in at 10:30 am the day before the wedding and still need to be picked up. I have no idea what time she finally got into the state but the bride didn't pick her up the brides grammy did so the MOH didn't get down to the bride until 2:20-3pm. This day was supposed to be spent getting little things done in the AM and getting mani/pedi's in the afternoon. She missed all of this b/c she can't driver herself down.
2. The bride was so laid back about the dresses. She told us at the beginning of the year she wanted us in black, she didn't care what type of dress as long as it was black. No problem, that is so great, my dress cost $19.99 awesome!!! Well the MOH had her daughters in the wedding as jr. bridesmaids. Instead of spending the 10 months before the wedding finding a dress that would work she waited until the last minute and had her mother make the girls dresses. She told the bride the dresses would have a white jacket over them but would be all black. Well she lied!!!! The dresses had a white top and a black skirt bottom b/c the girls needed a black and white dress for band. When the bride gets mad b/c this is not what she wanted the MOH gets mad at the bride and tells her she is being a bridezilla. So the bride decides she wants to buy the girls dresses but the MOH tells her it would kill her mother if the girls don't wear her home made dresses. My response to that was that the girls would wear those to band things but the wedding dress was supposed to be all black. Get over yourself.
3. My pet peeve is that the MOH did nothing with her hair nor did she wear any make up that I could tell. She was in a wedding she should have done something.
4. And finally the date came onto and kissed my date!!!! Yes I told her he was my friend however he was still there with me!!! It is not my fault she had no date and she had no right to kiss my date. I know he is not completely blameless and I did speak to him about this but still I am so mad at her for her whorishness!!!
So after all of this I have kept my mouth shut. I did not say anything to the whore of a MOH for kissing my date and why b/c it was the brides day and drama needed to stay out of it. I tried very hard to keep the children in line so neither the bride nor groom would have to deal with it. I tried she on the other had did all she could to disrupt everything and now, now the bride's grandmother is guilting her telling her that the day shouldn't have been all about the bride and she owes the MOH an apology. Like hell she does!! The MOH was all in the wrong and is only mad that she has no man herself and maybe if she didn't try to sleep with anything with a willy then she would have a man. Oh and maybe if she could get her stuff together and move out on her own instead of living with her mother! That may help. I think she wants a man to come in and take care of her and you know what I don't know if there are too many men out there that want to deal with all of that. She needs to grow up and get her own life.
As for the rest of the brides family, why are they all snowed by the MOH??? How is she the victim in all of this? She didn't do anything she was supposed to do and could not be counted on. Oh yes and she was supposed to bring a card for the digital camera and didn't do I did the day of the wedding. I had to buy it b/c she couldn't be bothered to help. I am so happy she lives so far away b/c if I never see her again it will be too late.
I am sorry bridie but I think you need to write off the majority of your family. MOH is selfish and everyone else falls for her b.s. If they can't be supportive they can walk away. MOH is not innocent in all of this and doesn't deserve a free pass b/c she was drinking, she shouldn't drink if she cannot behave herself-plain and simple.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
My Weakness
I have this friend and he is my weakness. I have known this man since I was in 8th grade so thats what since I was 12 or 13 so basically half my life. We tried dating in high school, it didn't last long maybe a couple of months but a great friendship came out of this that has remained. In fact my ex-husband didn't like my friendship with this man b/c I talked often of the things we would do and my ex was jealous.
We 2 years ago we had the brilliant idea that we could be friends with benefits. That was a mistake and ended with us not talking for about 8-9 months. Well we started talking again and have since resumed our friendship with benefits. You would think I had learned from the first time but this time I thought I could handle things b/c the last time we were going out every weekend and winding up together but this time it was a once in a while thing. And our friendship seemed to be the center of our relationship not the benefits, in fact I have been dating other trying to find someone (side note: no benefits for the others yet).
Well then I decided to take him to a wedding with me. What was I thinking, taking this odd relationship more main stream, he was all for it and excited to come with me and the monster. I let him know that I was in the wedding so it would be a lot of alone time and yet he was really willing to come. Awesome. I got my hopes up that this would be a great weekend with him.
The night before the wedding we all go out (the bride, the date, me and the maid of honor). Throughout the day the MOH is kind of working my date, I had warned him about her as she is slightly whorish!!!! You know coming down for the weekend and ending up going home each night with a different guy and what not.
Needless to say I was not pleased when on the way home they are kissing in the back seat of my car!!! First we will start with him and the fact that I told him she would try and I would like him to stay clear. When he met her his reaction was eewww!!! ok if he really thought that then why would he then kiss her but whatever. So moving onto her what kind of person goes after a man brought to a wedding with someone else? I mean come on now woman have some self respect.
So the bride was mad too but didn't say much until the reception when she felt she had calmed down and could talk about it. You know what the MOH's response was??? I can't control myself after a couple of drinks??? what kind of excuse is that? I mean grow up you are a 35 year old woman. Learn some manners, respect for others and respect for yourself. I will refrain at this point from being any harsher b/c that would make this post too long and not nice.
Moving back to date/weakness. So we get back to where we are staying and he can tell I am mad. But in actuality I am mad at myself b/c he has done something like this to me before and I got my hopes up just to be dashed again by the same man.
So I finally lay it out for him. He tells me I don't communicate. Well neither does he! So what is the point in my bringing it up. I go through it all in my head on a regular basis. I know what I want and I pretty sure I know what he wants and that doesn't jive at all. Which blows b/c we click and we always have fun and things are always smooth sailing. I have been out there dating as of late and I just don't get the same feeling from the guys I have been with that I do from him. I told him this. B/c I am annoyed I believe I said: "it's frustrating that the guy who I can't be in a relationship with I have feelings for but those who I could be nothing."
In our conversation I just told him "its whatever" to which he replies "your not whatever to me" and he also tells me that I am the one that is always there and always will be there. Fine then stop treating me like whatever. Oh yes and he loves me. Really how do you love me? He can't answer that! So don't say it if you can't back it up. I love you is big statement that could change everything and it can destroy everything too. I am not naive about this but I do want some sort of clarity and he has the nerve to tell me I don't communicate! At least what I say makes sense! Goodness me! I think he was just trying to not piss me off, but it back fired b/c you don't throw that statement out there if you don't mean it! That is just plain cruel.
I am frustrated by our relationship but do not know how to change it. I ask him where does this leave us and he goes into his speech about how we aren't ready to be in a relationship and all I can think of is no dumbass what you are saying but not b/c you have no balls is that you don't want to be in a relationship with me. Just say it, rip the band aid off, let it go. So I think in the course of this rant I have decided I am done with this game. We can be friends there will be no more benefits! I am done being a doormat. I am annoyed as hell that I have feelings for him but it could be one of the psychological things where I have these feelings b/c I don't have him and when I have him I won't want him.
Here are the logical reasons why we cannot be in a relationship:
1. I have a child which means I am not able to go out every weekend and I am responsible when I do the next morning.
2. I have more limits than he does.
3. He has a wandering soul, I cannot wander as I have a child I need to be stable for. I think it would be a shame to hold him back when he wants to go and I can't go with him.
So my head knows it won't work why do I still want him??? I don't know but I am going to try and stay strong and continue our friendship and friendship alone.
We 2 years ago we had the brilliant idea that we could be friends with benefits. That was a mistake and ended with us not talking for about 8-9 months. Well we started talking again and have since resumed our friendship with benefits. You would think I had learned from the first time but this time I thought I could handle things b/c the last time we were going out every weekend and winding up together but this time it was a once in a while thing. And our friendship seemed to be the center of our relationship not the benefits, in fact I have been dating other trying to find someone (side note: no benefits for the others yet).
Well then I decided to take him to a wedding with me. What was I thinking, taking this odd relationship more main stream, he was all for it and excited to come with me and the monster. I let him know that I was in the wedding so it would be a lot of alone time and yet he was really willing to come. Awesome. I got my hopes up that this would be a great weekend with him.
The night before the wedding we all go out (the bride, the date, me and the maid of honor). Throughout the day the MOH is kind of working my date, I had warned him about her as she is slightly whorish!!!! You know coming down for the weekend and ending up going home each night with a different guy and what not.
Needless to say I was not pleased when on the way home they are kissing in the back seat of my car!!! First we will start with him and the fact that I told him she would try and I would like him to stay clear. When he met her his reaction was eewww!!! ok if he really thought that then why would he then kiss her but whatever. So moving onto her what kind of person goes after a man brought to a wedding with someone else? I mean come on now woman have some self respect.
So the bride was mad too but didn't say much until the reception when she felt she had calmed down and could talk about it. You know what the MOH's response was??? I can't control myself after a couple of drinks??? what kind of excuse is that? I mean grow up you are a 35 year old woman. Learn some manners, respect for others and respect for yourself. I will refrain at this point from being any harsher b/c that would make this post too long and not nice.
Moving back to date/weakness. So we get back to where we are staying and he can tell I am mad. But in actuality I am mad at myself b/c he has done something like this to me before and I got my hopes up just to be dashed again by the same man.
So I finally lay it out for him. He tells me I don't communicate. Well neither does he! So what is the point in my bringing it up. I go through it all in my head on a regular basis. I know what I want and I pretty sure I know what he wants and that doesn't jive at all. Which blows b/c we click and we always have fun and things are always smooth sailing. I have been out there dating as of late and I just don't get the same feeling from the guys I have been with that I do from him. I told him this. B/c I am annoyed I believe I said: "it's frustrating that the guy who I can't be in a relationship with I have feelings for but those who I could be nothing."
In our conversation I just told him "its whatever" to which he replies "your not whatever to me" and he also tells me that I am the one that is always there and always will be there. Fine then stop treating me like whatever. Oh yes and he loves me. Really how do you love me? He can't answer that! So don't say it if you can't back it up. I love you is big statement that could change everything and it can destroy everything too. I am not naive about this but I do want some sort of clarity and he has the nerve to tell me I don't communicate! At least what I say makes sense! Goodness me! I think he was just trying to not piss me off, but it back fired b/c you don't throw that statement out there if you don't mean it! That is just plain cruel.
I am frustrated by our relationship but do not know how to change it. I ask him where does this leave us and he goes into his speech about how we aren't ready to be in a relationship and all I can think of is no dumbass what you are saying but not b/c you have no balls is that you don't want to be in a relationship with me. Just say it, rip the band aid off, let it go. So I think in the course of this rant I have decided I am done with this game. We can be friends there will be no more benefits! I am done being a doormat. I am annoyed as hell that I have feelings for him but it could be one of the psychological things where I have these feelings b/c I don't have him and when I have him I won't want him.
Here are the logical reasons why we cannot be in a relationship:
1. I have a child which means I am not able to go out every weekend and I am responsible when I do the next morning.
2. I have more limits than he does.
3. He has a wandering soul, I cannot wander as I have a child I need to be stable for. I think it would be a shame to hold him back when he wants to go and I can't go with him.
So my head knows it won't work why do I still want him??? I don't know but I am going to try and stay strong and continue our friendship and friendship alone.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How much can one person handle?
I am so stressed! So here is my list of stressers:
-money coupled with the economy is scaring the shit out of me (on the bright side I got my letter from child support, maybe I will start to see some relief or not who knows how this will play out)
-job I was given "promotion" that is really a lateral move with more work and responsibility but only $500 a year more money, not enough to see anything in my paycheck though. Which brings me more stress about money.
-dating so I have one guy who only wants one thing but says he wants more, one I have been dating casually but then mentioned moving in??? Really?? I had no idea we were there so Tuesday we are going to talk. I mean hell I have no idea what this man wants, yes it's my fault b/c I haven't asked but I also didn't think we were anything but casual. Holy crap man! More stress, can I unring this bell? What would it mean for the monster-who hasn't met this new guy? Am I going to be able to stand the back draft of a rash decision with my family? I mean they are supportive but I don't think they could or would support this, am I ready to walk away from them? Is this guy worth it? I DON'T KNOW = more stress. The last guy in my life we will call the stand in, we click so well and have such a good time together and the monster knows and likes him but I can't see it working, we are too different. Then again we have never tried so should we try? I really feel like it would just end badly.
-then my dang on washing machine broke. I always do my laundry on Sunday and now I can't finish it. Arg!!! I feel like its the last straw and all I want to do is lay down and cry for a day or at least get my stuff organized. ARG!!!
-money coupled with the economy is scaring the shit out of me (on the bright side I got my letter from child support, maybe I will start to see some relief or not who knows how this will play out)
-job I was given "promotion" that is really a lateral move with more work and responsibility but only $500 a year more money, not enough to see anything in my paycheck though. Which brings me more stress about money.
-dating so I have one guy who only wants one thing but says he wants more, one I have been dating casually but then mentioned moving in??? Really?? I had no idea we were there so Tuesday we are going to talk. I mean hell I have no idea what this man wants, yes it's my fault b/c I haven't asked but I also didn't think we were anything but casual. Holy crap man! More stress, can I unring this bell? What would it mean for the monster-who hasn't met this new guy? Am I going to be able to stand the back draft of a rash decision with my family? I mean they are supportive but I don't think they could or would support this, am I ready to walk away from them? Is this guy worth it? I DON'T KNOW = more stress. The last guy in my life we will call the stand in, we click so well and have such a good time together and the monster knows and likes him but I can't see it working, we are too different. Then again we have never tried so should we try? I really feel like it would just end badly.
-then my dang on washing machine broke. I always do my laundry on Sunday and now I can't finish it. Arg!!! I feel like its the last straw and all I want to do is lay down and cry for a day or at least get my stuff organized. ARG!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
I joined eharmony. I got tired of the dating scene or lack there is so I thought I would try something new. For the most part it has been slow going and I am kind of ready to stop paying month to month for this service that I don't feel like I am getting anything out of.
I did meet a guy and we are dating right now. He is nice but I don't get the butterflies from him it may be b/c I know I really don't have time and he lives an hour away from me which makes things hard. He also works an odd shift where his days off are Mon and Tues and he works nights. Its hard for me to get out during the week with the monster and finding a sitter. I can get a sitter on the weekends easier but he works. So we are trying.
I have had 2 experiences that make me want to scream. The first was this guy who started the process with me, I will admit I don't start the process. I am not that bold. So I knew this guy wasn't going to be for me, he was too old, lived to far away, and way to into appearance so I couldn't figure out why he was communicating with me. Well I found out that POS decided to get to the open communication part where you can email back and forth and the first email is reaming me out for having a child and then getting a divorce. Are you kidding me buddy??? Oh I was so hot, I responded telling him that basically its none of his business and to go to hell then I closed the match. I don't need that and if he was only going to yell then he shouldn't have contacted me!!!
Experience number 2 is still going on but I am annoyed which only solidifies my desire to get off this website!!! I am a closet smoker. I don't smoke around my child, family, and those I know do not like smoking. I try not to smell like smoke but its my decision. I don't hide this fact on eharmony so if someone is matched with me why would they choose to talk to me knowing that I smoke? It's so aggravating. This guy wasn't too bad until his smoking rant. I cannot argue with him b/c he is right but why would he choose to talk to me then? Lordie, I don't talk to those I see something and don't like it. I mean come on now buddy.
Let me just say a few things about this. I do not plan to smoke the rest of my life, I have a cut off date which is nearing. I also know that if I ever plan to have a child I will quit b/c I wouldn't do that to a child. So why then do I smoke, I don't know. I have thought about going to a hypnotise to try and quit then I would never want to smoke again. I guess we will see where the future leads but oh am I annoyed. I just want to scream at this point.
So the moral of this blog: dating is dating no matter where you are! Some people can luck out and find the person of their dreams on Eharmony and some can do the same thing at a bar or through a friend or on the street. It just happens. Blah!
I did meet a guy and we are dating right now. He is nice but I don't get the butterflies from him it may be b/c I know I really don't have time and he lives an hour away from me which makes things hard. He also works an odd shift where his days off are Mon and Tues and he works nights. Its hard for me to get out during the week with the monster and finding a sitter. I can get a sitter on the weekends easier but he works. So we are trying.
I have had 2 experiences that make me want to scream. The first was this guy who started the process with me, I will admit I don't start the process. I am not that bold. So I knew this guy wasn't going to be for me, he was too old, lived to far away, and way to into appearance so I couldn't figure out why he was communicating with me. Well I found out that POS decided to get to the open communication part where you can email back and forth and the first email is reaming me out for having a child and then getting a divorce. Are you kidding me buddy??? Oh I was so hot, I responded telling him that basically its none of his business and to go to hell then I closed the match. I don't need that and if he was only going to yell then he shouldn't have contacted me!!!
Experience number 2 is still going on but I am annoyed which only solidifies my desire to get off this website!!! I am a closet smoker. I don't smoke around my child, family, and those I know do not like smoking. I try not to smell like smoke but its my decision. I don't hide this fact on eharmony so if someone is matched with me why would they choose to talk to me knowing that I smoke? It's so aggravating. This guy wasn't too bad until his smoking rant. I cannot argue with him b/c he is right but why would he choose to talk to me then? Lordie, I don't talk to those I see something and don't like it. I mean come on now buddy.
Let me just say a few things about this. I do not plan to smoke the rest of my life, I have a cut off date which is nearing. I also know that if I ever plan to have a child I will quit b/c I wouldn't do that to a child. So why then do I smoke, I don't know. I have thought about going to a hypnotise to try and quit then I would never want to smoke again. I guess we will see where the future leads but oh am I annoyed. I just want to scream at this point.
So the moral of this blog: dating is dating no matter where you are! Some people can luck out and find the person of their dreams on Eharmony and some can do the same thing at a bar or through a friend or on the street. It just happens. Blah!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
TV again
Ok so it's Saturday night and I sit here reflecting on this week and all the awesome premiers!!!
Monday- I did not watch Dancing, I caught the high lights online. I cannot always sit through this for some reason. I will try to watch it some but the CBS comedies were unbelievably laugh or loud funny.
Big Bang-Sarah Gilbert wasn't on but Sheldon on drugs was so funny.
How I met your mother-again so funny I cannot wait to see if Teds new chick is his kids mom.
2 and a half men-also funny just good to laugh.
Tuesday-NCIS holy cow its the little asian chick she is the bad guy. I think Gibbs knows though but I am slow glad the crew is back together, I am sure Tony will be back soon.
Without a Trace-I wanted to see what would happen with Sam and Jack and they didn't show any of it, blah. Still a good show. Although its annoying whenever Steven Webber comes on a show he is a jerk.
Wed-Criminal Minds it is so sad to say but I am glad it wasn't one of the regular team members. I think Morgan might be getting a new job so I wonder what that means for his character on the show?
CSI:NY so I fell asleep for the last 10 min of this show. I am sure they got "Joe" since Mac was starting to remember things. I was about Flack's sister though, did she know anything about it. I will have to try to find this out online.
Thrusday- Greys--yay Meridith and Derrick are actually going to have a go at it. Lexie needs to tell George how she feels and Alex needs to stop being an ass!!! Oh and I am glad Rose isn't preggers and is moving onto another specialty she was being so childish!
ER-holy crap!!! Pratt is dead! it took all my might not to cry it was so sad. Especially when you saw the tears rolling down his face as he realized what was happening and then his brother struggling. I know ER has lost some audience lately and it is true how much can possibly happen in one place!! I mean every year they are having some sort of issue. well this week coming is Abby's last day in the ER at least they are setting her off on a happy life with Luka and Joe.
So this week we have to look forward to:
Sunday 9/28 after the Cowboys/Redskins game
Desperate Housewives--it jumps a head 5 years from where we saw it ending last year. Eddie will be back with a new husband, Susan has a new young thing, and Gabby now has 2 children! oh the time changes. Can't wait to see where the writers take this.
Brothers and Sisters-just a good show. It will be interesting to see where Justin and Rebecca's relationship goes.
Monday 9/29-Chuck Chuck and more Chuck
This is such a cute little show. how will it go with Casey trying to kill chuck????? only this season will tell and will he ever find out how his partner really feels?
Happy Watching...
Monday- I did not watch Dancing, I caught the high lights online. I cannot always sit through this for some reason. I will try to watch it some but the CBS comedies were unbelievably laugh or loud funny.
Big Bang-Sarah Gilbert wasn't on but Sheldon on drugs was so funny.
How I met your mother-again so funny I cannot wait to see if Teds new chick is his kids mom.
2 and a half men-also funny just good to laugh.
Tuesday-NCIS holy cow its the little asian chick she is the bad guy. I think Gibbs knows though but I am slow glad the crew is back together, I am sure Tony will be back soon.
Without a Trace-I wanted to see what would happen with Sam and Jack and they didn't show any of it, blah. Still a good show. Although its annoying whenever Steven Webber comes on a show he is a jerk.
Wed-Criminal Minds it is so sad to say but I am glad it wasn't one of the regular team members. I think Morgan might be getting a new job so I wonder what that means for his character on the show?
CSI:NY so I fell asleep for the last 10 min of this show. I am sure they got "Joe" since Mac was starting to remember things. I was about Flack's sister though, did she know anything about it. I will have to try to find this out online.
Thrusday- Greys--yay Meridith and Derrick are actually going to have a go at it. Lexie needs to tell George how she feels and Alex needs to stop being an ass!!! Oh and I am glad Rose isn't preggers and is moving onto another specialty she was being so childish!
ER-holy crap!!! Pratt is dead! it took all my might not to cry it was so sad. Especially when you saw the tears rolling down his face as he realized what was happening and then his brother struggling. I know ER has lost some audience lately and it is true how much can possibly happen in one place!! I mean every year they are having some sort of issue. well this week coming is Abby's last day in the ER at least they are setting her off on a happy life with Luka and Joe.
So this week we have to look forward to:
Sunday 9/28 after the Cowboys/Redskins game
Desperate Housewives--it jumps a head 5 years from where we saw it ending last year. Eddie will be back with a new husband, Susan has a new young thing, and Gabby now has 2 children! oh the time changes. Can't wait to see where the writers take this.
Brothers and Sisters-just a good show. It will be interesting to see where Justin and Rebecca's relationship goes.
Monday 9/29-Chuck Chuck and more Chuck
This is such a cute little show. how will it go with Casey trying to kill chuck????? only this season will tell and will he ever find out how his partner really feels?
Happy Watching...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I am total TV dork! I prefer that to the actual name I should use which is couch potato. I just have to share how excited I am that this week shows are finally premiering. There are so many shows!! I would love to show you the page I have been looking at but I couldn't figure out how to get it copied over to the blog so here is the link: http://www.tvguide.com/special/fall-preview-2008/calendar.aspx
I am such a dork, I don't want to leave the house at night, I don't want the child to give me any trouble I just want to be left alone with my tv to enjoy the night. How bad is that? I know bad right. I have a friend who has been blogging about his likes and dislikes so I thought I would follow his lead.
Monday 9/22:
Dancing with the stars--this is mindless and I watch it b/c my mom yells at me if I don't.
The big bang theory--sarah gilbert is going to be a regular OMG OMG Darlene and David are back together, now I may watch this more.
how I met your mother--this one is cute and I will catch it when I remember
Two and a half men--just a funny show my dad loves this one and calls my son jake so sometimes I will watch.
There isn't really a 10pm show I am diggin but we will see, also Hero's is back, I am not a huge fan but plenty of others are.
Tuesday 9/23
NCIS-I cannot wait to see how they wrap this up!!! The team was split up in the season final last season!!! one of the writers said they will not do play this out like House did where the old regulars are now walk ons, yay!!!
Without a trace--this show is awesome but it has been up against ER for a while so I couldn't switch over. I did watch the last season final and now cannot wait to see if Sam takes Jake up on his offer to help with the baby!!
Also SVU comes back but since it's on re runs on USA all the time I don't have to watch that in prime time.
Wednesday 9/24
Criminal Minds--the final last season had each team member getting into a black suv then a black suv blowing up well in the promos it's not a team member that is critically hurt which kind of takes some of the suspense away but I will be watching.
CSI:NY--Mack is a hostage when this comes back!!! I want to see what happens with Montana and Danny, will he fess up and will she take him back? or is it done for good???
Also a fun show if you are in the mood New Adventures of old Christine--its got its moments and Wanda Sykes is so funny I bet you could make milk come out your nose watching her.
Thursday 9/25
Greys---Yay! Meridith and Derrick are finally back together and the writers promise we will get to see happily ever after!! also Izzy should be getting some decent stories!!! So I guess we will see what happens with Izzy and Alex. I have a standing date to watch this show with my co-worker!! it's awesome.
ER--the last season ever!! sob, I really like this show but I understand after 15 seasons it might be time to go. Hopefully out with a bang!!! Uncle Jessie is sooo hot.
Also Ugly Betty returns I have been unable to get completely involved in this one but when I do I like it. It's annoying all the leaks over the summer, with moving the set to NY the actor who plays Gio is not making the switch so she won't be with him and the actor that plays Henry is getting his won show again leaks make me sad some days.
So I will update next week on what I think of the returns and also on the last of the premier's.
Happy watchin...
I am such a dork, I don't want to leave the house at night, I don't want the child to give me any trouble I just want to be left alone with my tv to enjoy the night. How bad is that? I know bad right. I have a friend who has been blogging about his likes and dislikes so I thought I would follow his lead.
Monday 9/22:
Dancing with the stars--this is mindless and I watch it b/c my mom yells at me if I don't.
The big bang theory--sarah gilbert is going to be a regular OMG OMG Darlene and David are back together, now I may watch this more.
how I met your mother--this one is cute and I will catch it when I remember
Two and a half men--just a funny show my dad loves this one and calls my son jake so sometimes I will watch.
There isn't really a 10pm show I am diggin but we will see, also Hero's is back, I am not a huge fan but plenty of others are.
Tuesday 9/23
NCIS-I cannot wait to see how they wrap this up!!! The team was split up in the season final last season!!! one of the writers said they will not do play this out like House did where the old regulars are now walk ons, yay!!!
Without a trace--this show is awesome but it has been up against ER for a while so I couldn't switch over. I did watch the last season final and now cannot wait to see if Sam takes Jake up on his offer to help with the baby!!
Also SVU comes back but since it's on re runs on USA all the time I don't have to watch that in prime time.
Wednesday 9/24
Criminal Minds--the final last season had each team member getting into a black suv then a black suv blowing up well in the promos it's not a team member that is critically hurt which kind of takes some of the suspense away but I will be watching.
CSI:NY--Mack is a hostage when this comes back!!! I want to see what happens with Montana and Danny, will he fess up and will she take him back? or is it done for good???
Also a fun show if you are in the mood New Adventures of old Christine--its got its moments and Wanda Sykes is so funny I bet you could make milk come out your nose watching her.
Thursday 9/25
Greys---Yay! Meridith and Derrick are finally back together and the writers promise we will get to see happily ever after!! also Izzy should be getting some decent stories!!! So I guess we will see what happens with Izzy and Alex. I have a standing date to watch this show with my co-worker!! it's awesome.
ER--the last season ever!! sob, I really like this show but I understand after 15 seasons it might be time to go. Hopefully out with a bang!!! Uncle Jessie is sooo hot.
Also Ugly Betty returns I have been unable to get completely involved in this one but when I do I like it. It's annoying all the leaks over the summer, with moving the set to NY the actor who plays Gio is not making the switch so she won't be with him and the actor that plays Henry is getting his won show again leaks make me sad some days.
So I will update next week on what I think of the returns and also on the last of the premier's.
Happy watchin...

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Girls weekend
The plan: To go on a girls weekend to the beach.
The Players: My bff, her older sister and her younger sister
The beginning: In May my bff asked me if I would like to go on this trip with her and her sisters. Hells yes I reply. I haven't been on a girls weekend ever and this would be fun. So we get it all planned and since I had just paid off a credit card, we put it on my card to allow everyone some time to get the money to me to pay for this.
Issue # 1: The older sister decides in July she cannot come b/c it will cost too much. The deal was if you could not go someone would have to be found to take your place before you get your money back. That was the fair way to do things. Well someone else was found, a friend of the younger sister, but the older sister didn't get her money back fast enough so she got nasty and blew up everyones email. Ok she got her money she has now shut up and after her behavior, I am done planning anything ever again with her. Mind you I have known this family for almost 15 years so it's not like I made this decision lightly.
After all of that and it went on for a good month everyone would be all dramaed out. Well you would be wrong....
Issue #2: who is driving? My bff offered to drive if we would help with gas money. She said about $20-25 a person to get us to the beach and back. Not a problem until 2 weeks before we are to leave when the younger sister decides she doesn't have too much money and wants us to ride in her car. The issue is between a mustang and a scion. I think the mustang is bigger and that my bff is a better driver. I would rather go with her. Well the younger one isn't having that, she wants to take her car. So I offer up mine, a PT- 4 door sedan!! My bff says that would be fine but the younger sister is offended that bff will willing go in my car and not hers. Again I have a bigger more accomadating vehicle. Whatever.
So I am not done and there was no resolution to that one.
Issue # 3: When we will leave to get there and come home. The younger sister emails me about this and I tell her I have to drop off my son by 8 and can be at bff house a little after that. We would then have to pick her up b/c she isn't leaving her car at bff's house and be on the road by 9-9:30. Well that's too late according to her. Fine why don't you meet us somewhere? Oh no she cannot do that b/c then she would have to leave her car.
Coming back I said that I wanted to be home by 6 to pick up my son from daycare and again she has a cow!!! b/c she doesn't want to be home that early. Now mind you we are leaving Friday morning and won't be back until Monday night. We all have children and all have to work on Tuesday so I don't think being home by 6 is a bad thing at all.
So b/c of this she decides she is going to drive herself. Now if you remember from issue #2 she didn't have $20 for gas but now she has enough money to drive herself.
I lost it at this point and told her just that, also throwing in that I don't have a husband to watch my child when ever I want to go out like she does.
She responded about how she didn't know there would be time constraints and all of this other crap so she would drive herself and her friend. Good I am glad.
However all is not over as the two sisters then get into an escalated argument about all of this and the final resolution: ...the trip has been cancelled....
This sucks on a number of levels. 1 I dont get this fun girls weekend I have been looking forward to but more importantly 2 b/c this went on my credit card and the credit will be on my card i now have to reimberse the other 3. My bff is being decent about it and told me to take my time, I will reimberse the friend right away b/c she had nothing to do with this. but the younger siser who by the way shorted me $15 in the first place will also have to wait.
Times like these make me glad I don't have biological sisters. I have some great girl friends who are like sisters but no biological just 2 stinky brothers. So this was my fun over the past few days at work I am so done!!!
Thanks for reading the silly saga of a friend and two sisters....
The Players: My bff, her older sister and her younger sister
The beginning: In May my bff asked me if I would like to go on this trip with her and her sisters. Hells yes I reply. I haven't been on a girls weekend ever and this would be fun. So we get it all planned and since I had just paid off a credit card, we put it on my card to allow everyone some time to get the money to me to pay for this.
Issue # 1: The older sister decides in July she cannot come b/c it will cost too much. The deal was if you could not go someone would have to be found to take your place before you get your money back. That was the fair way to do things. Well someone else was found, a friend of the younger sister, but the older sister didn't get her money back fast enough so she got nasty and blew up everyones email. Ok she got her money she has now shut up and after her behavior, I am done planning anything ever again with her. Mind you I have known this family for almost 15 years so it's not like I made this decision lightly.
After all of that and it went on for a good month everyone would be all dramaed out. Well you would be wrong....
Issue #2: who is driving? My bff offered to drive if we would help with gas money. She said about $20-25 a person to get us to the beach and back. Not a problem until 2 weeks before we are to leave when the younger sister decides she doesn't have too much money and wants us to ride in her car. The issue is between a mustang and a scion. I think the mustang is bigger and that my bff is a better driver. I would rather go with her. Well the younger one isn't having that, she wants to take her car. So I offer up mine, a PT- 4 door sedan!! My bff says that would be fine but the younger sister is offended that bff will willing go in my car and not hers. Again I have a bigger more accomadating vehicle. Whatever.
So I am not done and there was no resolution to that one.
Issue # 3: When we will leave to get there and come home. The younger sister emails me about this and I tell her I have to drop off my son by 8 and can be at bff house a little after that. We would then have to pick her up b/c she isn't leaving her car at bff's house and be on the road by 9-9:30. Well that's too late according to her. Fine why don't you meet us somewhere? Oh no she cannot do that b/c then she would have to leave her car.
Coming back I said that I wanted to be home by 6 to pick up my son from daycare and again she has a cow!!! b/c she doesn't want to be home that early. Now mind you we are leaving Friday morning and won't be back until Monday night. We all have children and all have to work on Tuesday so I don't think being home by 6 is a bad thing at all.
So b/c of this she decides she is going to drive herself. Now if you remember from issue #2 she didn't have $20 for gas but now she has enough money to drive herself.
I lost it at this point and told her just that, also throwing in that I don't have a husband to watch my child when ever I want to go out like she does.
She responded about how she didn't know there would be time constraints and all of this other crap so she would drive herself and her friend. Good I am glad.
However all is not over as the two sisters then get into an escalated argument about all of this and the final resolution: ...the trip has been cancelled....
This sucks on a number of levels. 1 I dont get this fun girls weekend I have been looking forward to but more importantly 2 b/c this went on my credit card and the credit will be on my card i now have to reimberse the other 3. My bff is being decent about it and told me to take my time, I will reimberse the friend right away b/c she had nothing to do with this. but the younger siser who by the way shorted me $15 in the first place will also have to wait.
Times like these make me glad I don't have biological sisters. I have some great girl friends who are like sisters but no biological just 2 stinky brothers. So this was my fun over the past few days at work I am so done!!!
Thanks for reading the silly saga of a friend and two sisters....
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Are you kidding me LiLO
So I am at home today b/c the monster is sick so I was browsing the internet and found this:
It was on people where she takes to her myspace blog where she says that parents should talk to their children about safe sex since McCain's running mate has a 17 year old daughter who is preggers. I have been quite about this revelation as I wanted to see how things would progress. I am happy to see that both McCain and Obama said it was a personal manner that isn't really anyone's business. I am glad they both did that so where in the hell does Lindsay Lohan get off going on about teen pregnancy??????
This from the girl who lived with Fez (from That 70's show) when she was 17, the girl who went to rehab before she was 21 for alcohol and probably other stuff. Where was her mom? Was she talking to her??? I mean come on now, do not act all high and mighty when you were never perfect? I mean Leanne Rimes could say something as she never had to go to rehab, got arrested for drunk driving, or was involved in a car chase with people not driving your car. Oh and Leanne's career is still going strong, where is Lindsey's????
Thanks for reading the vent. I couldn't keep quite about this mo-ron thinking she has the right to chastise anyone.
It was on people where she takes to her myspace blog where she says that parents should talk to their children about safe sex since McCain's running mate has a 17 year old daughter who is preggers. I have been quite about this revelation as I wanted to see how things would progress. I am happy to see that both McCain and Obama said it was a personal manner that isn't really anyone's business. I am glad they both did that so where in the hell does Lindsay Lohan get off going on about teen pregnancy??????
This from the girl who lived with Fez (from That 70's show) when she was 17, the girl who went to rehab before she was 21 for alcohol and probably other stuff. Where was her mom? Was she talking to her??? I mean come on now, do not act all high and mighty when you were never perfect? I mean Leanne Rimes could say something as she never had to go to rehab, got arrested for drunk driving, or was involved in a car chase with people not driving your car. Oh and Leanne's career is still going strong, where is Lindsey's????
Thanks for reading the vent. I couldn't keep quite about this mo-ron thinking she has the right to chastise anyone.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The monster is home
The monster has been home now for just over 2 weeks. It took until about this week for him to start acting up...lol longer than I thought. I am happy he is home!!! I know he is safe, I know where he is at all times and I can see him whenever I want. All good things. However this weekend I have been jonesin' to get out of the house on my own so bad. I just want to go out and be irresponsible for a night. Not totally irresponsible, just come home late after a night of fun oohhh and not have to get up the following morning b/c he is up and hungry or up or bored or whatever. Ok so had to share.
Also an update on the ex factor: he didn't bring the monster back to me until 10:30 on the 3rd, I had said I wanted the monster back by 7/4. Looks like the ex just made that deadline. Well when he comes he bring the girlfriends 3 kids too b/c the monster wanted them to spend the night. Well they left at 8:30 the next morning so I didn't have the extras for too long.
However in the 2 months the ex has been living with the new GF I have seen no child support, this isn't really a surprise b/c he barely paid while he was here but it is so much more infuriating b/c now that a$$hole is helping out someone else and her kids when he has a biological kid he ran away from. I am so mad about this and have let him know this a number of times. So this week my plan is take a field trip down to the child support enforcement office and sign me some paperwork :)
Also an update on the ex factor: he didn't bring the monster back to me until 10:30 on the 3rd, I had said I wanted the monster back by 7/4. Looks like the ex just made that deadline. Well when he comes he bring the girlfriends 3 kids too b/c the monster wanted them to spend the night. Well they left at 8:30 the next morning so I didn't have the extras for too long.
However in the 2 months the ex has been living with the new GF I have seen no child support, this isn't really a surprise b/c he barely paid while he was here but it is so much more infuriating b/c now that a$$hole is helping out someone else and her kids when he has a biological kid he ran away from. I am so mad about this and have let him know this a number of times. So this week my plan is take a field trip down to the child support enforcement office and sign me some paperwork :)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The monster is coming, the monster is coming...
My son is coming home this week. I have completely mixed feelings about this which makes me feel like an ass. I had my son when I was 18 so I never really got to be a young adult and go and come as I please, unencumbered. I feel like ass b/c I am a little disappointed that this time is coming to an end. My dad was giving me shit b/c for the next 3 days I have plans after work so there is no time for my parents to come over and help me with the bunk bed I want to have for him as a surprise. But in reality when am I going to have this opportunity again? I am not sending my child to GA again the situation down there is not to my liking, they drive around 6 people in a 5 passenger car, they do not have daycare so some days the monster stays in the hotel his dad's gf works at, and I don't want him 4 states away!!!
So I will be back in mommy mode in 4 days. I love my son and cannot wait to see him but I also like being able to go out. I know that I have family that will help me out but really are they going to do it without bitching or getting on my case about going out to much. I am pretty mad at his dad for leaving the state. He had finally started taking the monster on weekends and when I had meetings during the week he would watch him and now he's gone so it's back to trying to negotiate babysitters and what not. I think his mom would help if I asked but I really hate to ask. Blah!!
Well in four days I will be back to mom mode, ready or not...
So I will be back in mommy mode in 4 days. I love my son and cannot wait to see him but I also like being able to go out. I know that I have family that will help me out but really are they going to do it without bitching or getting on my case about going out to much. I am pretty mad at his dad for leaving the state. He had finally started taking the monster on weekends and when I had meetings during the week he would watch him and now he's gone so it's back to trying to negotiate babysitters and what not. I think his mom would help if I asked but I really hate to ask. Blah!!
Well in four days I will be back to mom mode, ready or not...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Random Post
I have a confession to make...I am a fan of Julia Stiles. I have a number of her movies. I like silly teen dramas and she did a few of them. I have noticed an annoying trend with her movies...they are doing remakes without her and they SUCK!!!! I have The Prince and Me which is a cute movie and now there is The Prince and Me 2 without her and it blows!!! I mean the whole character is different and just not good. I rented that one thinking it would be a good Saturday watch and was so mad I spent money on it! I should have waited for ABC Family to play it, it is that crappy.
Tonight I was flicking channels and came across Save the Last Dance 2 I did not see the whole thing but again what I saw was just not good. Come on now people come up with knew movie ideas please. I am tired of seeing crappy remakes. I realize that the movies I am using as an example are not exactly masterpieces but I like them and want to see them left alone.
Tonight I was flicking channels and came across Save the Last Dance 2 I did not see the whole thing but again what I saw was just not good. Come on now people come up with knew movie ideas please. I am tired of seeing crappy remakes. I realize that the movies I am using as an example are not exactly masterpieces but I like them and want to see them left alone.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
So my child went to GA a few weeks back with his dad to visit the new GF and if that wasn't bad enough my child came back with a new obsession...wrestling. Just blah!!! I am sooo tired of it! He now has to be home on Fridays at 8pm to watch friday night whatever. We weren't home last night and he was so mad b/c he missed so first thing this morning he had to get online and read about what happened. So as I am helping him he was saying "oh man I can't believe I missed it, it was like the best night ever" OMG! are you kidding me. Today we were running errands and we went to Target where he bought himself an Undertaker t-shirt. I am just not in the mood for this obsession, I would much rather go back to spiderman. I hope this doesn't last long...
Bank encounter
So I just went to this credit union today to deposit my rent check and OMG!!! It was ridiculous!! I went inside b/c I didn't have a deposit slip and I walk in to the strangest thing I have ever seen. Instead of having a teller line like a normal bank they decided to have these phone booth looking things. I went to inquire about this and was told that the tellers are in a remote area and that you send the check like you would in a drive thru. What is that about? It was the strangest thing I have ever seen. Just thought I would share b/c it was to unreal to believe.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Stupid car
When my ex and I split our agreement said that he would take care of his car and I would take care of mine. Pretty standard. But (because there is always a but) his car loan is in my name and his, mine first (my car is in mine and my dad's so no prob there). We did not title his car in both names so basically we are co-debters but not co-owners, I have no claim to the car.
It all started out well, he paid for his car but that didn't last long. He was a year into the loan when we split, I have been getting calls from the loan people for 2 years b/c of late payments or non-payments. The worst part about all of this is his payment was $225.47 a month. How cheap is that?????????
The car was a lease thing and when we bought it we planned to buy it out right at the end of the lease. He still wanted to do that but when you don't pay they will not give you another loan. The car was supposed to be turned in 4/15 and he did NOTHING for it. Again I started getting calls.
Well it turns out the car wasn't moving b/c someone had tried to break into it and had messed with the ignition. He let it sit for months, didn't call insurrance or anything.
I went to the dealership to ask for help, the know the situation. My mistake was not following up on it b/c the captain did NOTHING to try and keep the car. I finally got him to tow the thing into the shop so they can fix it and he told me he called his insurrance turns out that is all a lie!!! I don't even think he has insurrance. So who is going to pay for this??? Where am I going to get the money to pay for this? I don't want to ask my parents for money I am an adult. I paid off a credit card this year, I was so happy to have that done but it looks like I am going back in debt to pay for his pure laziness and stupidity. I am sooo mad right now that I fully intend to get all of this in writing and take his happy ass to court for #1 contempt and #2 to get my money back. This is not fair, I know life isn't fair but I didn nothing to him. I took my debt when I left, I helped him out even. How could he be so irrisponsible????
I cannot wait for him to go to Georgia b/c I cannot stand looking at him, the thought that I am going to have to talk to him today is horrifing. My son is going to be around so I am going to have to be nice. I do not want to be one of those parents who bashes the other one but I am sooo almost there. I am soo upset right now!!!!
I am happy that this is the last tie I have to this man finacially but so pissed that he cannot take care of his business and leaves it up to others to take care of. Then gets mad if you "judge" him. Well what do you expect? Do you think that there is a magic fairy out there that is going to come over and take care of you? No you mo-ron that is not the case, you need to step up and grow some balls!!!
When my ex and I split our agreement said that he would take care of his car and I would take care of mine. Pretty standard. But (because there is always a but) his car loan is in my name and his, mine first (my car is in mine and my dad's so no prob there). We did not title his car in both names so basically we are co-debters but not co-owners, I have no claim to the car.
It all started out well, he paid for his car but that didn't last long. He was a year into the loan when we split, I have been getting calls from the loan people for 2 years b/c of late payments or non-payments. The worst part about all of this is his payment was $225.47 a month. How cheap is that?????????
The car was a lease thing and when we bought it we planned to buy it out right at the end of the lease. He still wanted to do that but when you don't pay they will not give you another loan. The car was supposed to be turned in 4/15 and he did NOTHING for it. Again I started getting calls.
Well it turns out the car wasn't moving b/c someone had tried to break into it and had messed with the ignition. He let it sit for months, didn't call insurrance or anything.
I went to the dealership to ask for help, the know the situation. My mistake was not following up on it b/c the captain did NOTHING to try and keep the car. I finally got him to tow the thing into the shop so they can fix it and he told me he called his insurrance turns out that is all a lie!!! I don't even think he has insurrance. So who is going to pay for this??? Where am I going to get the money to pay for this? I don't want to ask my parents for money I am an adult. I paid off a credit card this year, I was so happy to have that done but it looks like I am going back in debt to pay for his pure laziness and stupidity. I am sooo mad right now that I fully intend to get all of this in writing and take his happy ass to court for #1 contempt and #2 to get my money back. This is not fair, I know life isn't fair but I didn nothing to him. I took my debt when I left, I helped him out even. How could he be so irrisponsible????
I cannot wait for him to go to Georgia b/c I cannot stand looking at him, the thought that I am going to have to talk to him today is horrifing. My son is going to be around so I am going to have to be nice. I do not want to be one of those parents who bashes the other one but I am sooo almost there. I am soo upset right now!!!!
I am happy that this is the last tie I have to this man finacially but so pissed that he cannot take care of his business and leaves it up to others to take care of. Then gets mad if you "judge" him. Well what do you expect? Do you think that there is a magic fairy out there that is going to come over and take care of you? No you mo-ron that is not the case, you need to step up and grow some balls!!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
No not me my ex aka my baby daddy.
He told my last Sunday, yes Happy Mothers day to me, and I feel like it took me a week to digest the idea. Yes I have dreamed of him leaving, I won't lie, but I thought it would have been when we first split. Not now, now that he is finally starting to work with me and do the every other weekend thing and watch him for me when I have meetings. He was actually trying and now now he decides to leave WTF????
So as I am digesting this information I am pissing him off b/c I cannot commit to letting him have the monster for any part of the summer. He asked for the whole summer I said hell no! I told him he could have the monster for some of the summer. As it stands now he will be taking the monster the day after school lets out until the 4th of July. I don't know why I picked that day I just did. Then I will have to figure out everything else as it comes. I hate having to think on my feet, I like plans damn it and the ex knows this.
So he is moving to GA to be with his new girlfriend and her 3 kids, boys to boot. He told me he is leaving to get away from all of his crap-well hell you moron its the crap that you got yourself into. I am so annoyed with him, he is running away like a p-word that I don't like to use. I mean come on man you did this to yourself and all your doing is whining about how hard things are for you now well fix them. Yes it's an uphill fight but the sooner you start the sooner its done.
My fears: that my son will have so much fun out there he wont come back and his father is to much of a push over to make him. or that his new girlfriend will like have an even number of kids and want him to stay. I don't know this woman and yet I am supposed to trust her with the most important thing in my life. I hate that the ex has put me in this position. I mean come on now buddy work with me.
How can anyone move that far away from their child? I cannot imagine it's easy when they get older let alone in the younger years. What does he expect to share holidays? You have got to be kidding!!!! I AM NOT sending my child out of state for any holiday except maybe some obscure one that no one knows of. It is hard enough splitting the holidays between his two families and now I have to try and split the boy 3 ways, I think not. His father moves his father loses. That is my thought.
He told my last Sunday, yes Happy Mothers day to me, and I feel like it took me a week to digest the idea. Yes I have dreamed of him leaving, I won't lie, but I thought it would have been when we first split. Not now, now that he is finally starting to work with me and do the every other weekend thing and watch him for me when I have meetings. He was actually trying and now now he decides to leave WTF????
So as I am digesting this information I am pissing him off b/c I cannot commit to letting him have the monster for any part of the summer. He asked for the whole summer I said hell no! I told him he could have the monster for some of the summer. As it stands now he will be taking the monster the day after school lets out until the 4th of July. I don't know why I picked that day I just did. Then I will have to figure out everything else as it comes. I hate having to think on my feet, I like plans damn it and the ex knows this.
So he is moving to GA to be with his new girlfriend and her 3 kids, boys to boot. He told me he is leaving to get away from all of his crap-well hell you moron its the crap that you got yourself into. I am so annoyed with him, he is running away like a p-word that I don't like to use. I mean come on man you did this to yourself and all your doing is whining about how hard things are for you now well fix them. Yes it's an uphill fight but the sooner you start the sooner its done.
My fears: that my son will have so much fun out there he wont come back and his father is to much of a push over to make him. or that his new girlfriend will like have an even number of kids and want him to stay. I don't know this woman and yet I am supposed to trust her with the most important thing in my life. I hate that the ex has put me in this position. I mean come on now buddy work with me.
How can anyone move that far away from their child? I cannot imagine it's easy when they get older let alone in the younger years. What does he expect to share holidays? You have got to be kidding!!!! I AM NOT sending my child out of state for any holiday except maybe some obscure one that no one knows of. It is hard enough splitting the holidays between his two families and now I have to try and split the boy 3 ways, I think not. His father moves his father loses. That is my thought.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mothers Day
First and foremost Happy Mother's day to all the mothers out there. Whether your children are young or old whether your children are with you or not happy mothers day.
This year is significant for a 2 reasons, 1-its the first for my family without my grandmother. I don't think today was as hard as I imagined it would be. I think I was so planned with things to do I didn't allow myself time to really think and dwell on it. Christmas was harder b/c she had just past and things were so different. I did spend time with some of my family which was nice and similar to what we have done in years past.
2-my dear friend lost her son this past January he was only 5. I sent her a card to let her know I was thinking about her and know this is going to be tough. I know she got it b/c she emailed me about it. I know I could have called or emailed or texted or even myspaced her but I wanted to do something different and I know she likes cards so that is what I did. She is a strong woman so I know she will get through it I also know things are tough right now so if I can give her a little extra support I will.
So my day was busy with food, I had 3 meals to attend, I am soo stuffed. It ended on a rather funny note. I have made a habit of telling my son that when he is a mom he will get to make the rules. Its my funny way of saying b/c I said so without really saying that b/c I would never say such a thing (or so I told my self when I thought about raising a child). So tonight he says "I am never going to be a mommy so stop saying that" my roommate chuckled as she walked in the garage and I promptly told him to go to bed. Well yes he knows he will never be a mommy but I will probably use this line many more times to come especially in these dreaded teen years.
Happy Mothers day to all-hope you got enough rest so that tomorrows start of the work week doesn't suck and that if you had to be with dreaded family members i.e. in-laws or even ex-in-laws it wasn't that bad.
This year is significant for a 2 reasons, 1-its the first for my family without my grandmother. I don't think today was as hard as I imagined it would be. I think I was so planned with things to do I didn't allow myself time to really think and dwell on it. Christmas was harder b/c she had just past and things were so different. I did spend time with some of my family which was nice and similar to what we have done in years past.
2-my dear friend lost her son this past January he was only 5. I sent her a card to let her know I was thinking about her and know this is going to be tough. I know she got it b/c she emailed me about it. I know I could have called or emailed or texted or even myspaced her but I wanted to do something different and I know she likes cards so that is what I did. She is a strong woman so I know she will get through it I also know things are tough right now so if I can give her a little extra support I will.
So my day was busy with food, I had 3 meals to attend, I am soo stuffed. It ended on a rather funny note. I have made a habit of telling my son that when he is a mom he will get to make the rules. Its my funny way of saying b/c I said so without really saying that b/c I would never say such a thing (or so I told my self when I thought about raising a child). So tonight he says "I am never going to be a mommy so stop saying that" my roommate chuckled as she walked in the garage and I promptly told him to go to bed. Well yes he knows he will never be a mommy but I will probably use this line many more times to come especially in these dreaded teen years
Happy Mothers day to all-hope you got enough rest so that tomorrows start of the work week doesn't suck and that if you had to be with dreaded family members i.e. in-laws or even ex-in-laws it wasn't that bad.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
What's next?
I have been thinking a lot about where my life is going and what I want to do with it. I have a job but not a career so I want to find a career. But I am so scatter brained that I cannot figure out what I want to do with my life. Part of me thinks that I am too young to figure it out but in reality even though people are living longer they aren't able to work longer b/c "the man" "the corporate boss" whatever you want to call him don't really like older workers. So if I am going to find a career path I need to do it now. Although I look 12 at present and am 25 so if I stay on this path I am a lucky one who can work well into my older years with people thinking me young, lol. People keep telling me that I will like looking this young some day, I think I have just found the benefit, I will be able to work longer. woo-hoo.
So back to what I am thinking about doing with my life...sometimes I think about being a counselor for families or maybe teen mom's, or I have thought as of lately of working for the church maybe finding a church that needs a program director or finding a non-profit to work for or or or or... I just don't know. arg!!! Someday I will figure out what I am going to do with my life until then back to looking at the drawing board...
So back to what I am thinking about doing with my life...sometimes I think about being a counselor for families or maybe teen mom's, or I have thought as of lately of working for the church maybe finding a church that needs a program director or finding a non-profit to work for or or or or... I just don't know. arg!!! Someday I will figure out what I am going to do with my life until then back to looking at the drawing board...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
This weekend my son is out of town with his father. I was very conflicted about letting him go. They went out of state which meant a flight and that scared me but the monster called as soon as they landed, not even off the plane yet and he called. I felt so much better after that call. I know I was doing the scared mom thing, I need to let go some! LOL.
I have been seeing this guy who did everything right when it came to "us" he called, he came to see me, he turned his schedule around for me. But I just didn't feel it. I feel horrible b/c he told me he was really into me. It sucks, I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I felt like we were just friends not boyfriend/girlfriend. I kept trying to stick it out b/c maybe I would start to feel differently but not so much. So tonight I told him. He was ever the gentleman and thanked me for the time he had to get to know me and then sent me a cute text message. All of this makes me wonder if I did the right thing. I have to put my list down or else I will forever second guess myself. So here goes:
-he pushed for the title of boyfriend
-he completely screwed over a friend, he eventually made things right but it took some time and a few to many lies for my liking.
-he came on really strong! I mean within a week of dating he told me I had his heart and he couldn't stand to leave me; then there was the "i miss you" before he had even left me-I know most people would say aww but that made me go oh no!
-he wasn't always truthful and I know you don't have to tell your significant other everything but when I can look up stuff online and see that it's a lie, that is kind of annoying and makes me question other things too.
-lastly he flat out told me he was the jealous kind so maybe that made me look at some behavior differently but I HATE it when I feel like I am being checked up on, text me when you get to target, text when you leave then when you get home. I felt like he was keeping tabs. Again maybe I was reading to much into that but that's how it made me feel.
So there is my case in a nutshell for me to look back on whenever I start to think about things. I guess this week will be the true teller of how I feel. If I miss him I made the wrong decision but if I don't then I did the right thing.
I have been seeing this guy who did everything right when it came to "us" he called, he came to see me, he turned his schedule around for me. But I just didn't feel it. I feel horrible b/c he told me he was really into me. It sucks, I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I felt like we were just friends not boyfriend/girlfriend. I kept trying to stick it out b/c maybe I would start to feel differently but not so much. So tonight I told him. He was ever the gentleman and thanked me for the time he had to get to know me and then sent me a cute text message. All of this makes me wonder if I did the right thing. I have to put my list down or else I will forever second guess myself. So here goes:
-he pushed for the title of boyfriend
-he completely screwed over a friend, he eventually made things right but it took some time and a few to many lies for my liking.
-he came on really strong! I mean within a week of dating he told me I had his heart and he couldn't stand to leave me; then there was the "i miss you" before he had even left me-I know most people would say aww but that made me go oh no!
-he wasn't always truthful and I know you don't have to tell your significant other everything but when I can look up stuff online and see that it's a lie, that is kind of annoying and makes me question other things too.
-lastly he flat out told me he was the jealous kind so maybe that made me look at some behavior differently but I HATE it when I feel like I am being checked up on, text me when you get to target, text when you leave then when you get home. I felt like he was keeping tabs. Again maybe I was reading to much into that but that's how it made me feel.
So there is my case in a nutshell for me to look back on whenever I start to think about things. I guess this week will be the true teller of how I feel. If I miss him I made the wrong decision but if I don't then I did the right thing.
Friday, April 18, 2008
I am going out of town this weekend on a church retreat. I have to leave work early for this weekend long meeting but I get to take alcohol. At the Tuesday meeting about this one woman spoke up and mentioned that there is almost always a 5th around at these things. This is too funny! So I am going to stop by the liquor store on my way outta town. Wonder how productive this weekend will be. My mother cautioned me not to get to lit b/c I am going to have to be coherent in the morning. Man she is a buzz kill sometimes :)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I hate being an adult
So the first post about the ex. The last tie I have with him is a car loan, I am first which means that as he stopped paying my credit tanked. The car was leased on this really cool program that would allow you to refinance the balloon amount and keep that car. 4 years ago when we bought the car that was what we were going to do. A year later we were done and the car drama started. He has done nothing about this car now that the lease is up accept whine that he wants to keep the car and ask me to co-sign another loan. Now why should I do that when he hasn't paid this one on time in over 2 years and I am not getting child support like I should, and I am not getting any help like I should and last b/c I am the one having to pay for my son's ortho work on my own. That is a lot of money. He is 7 but has already started down the braces route.
Back to the car, I am the one who has been doing the running around about it. In clearly states in our divorce papers that its his car but the loan people will not accept that so they have been harassing me. I am going to have to pay on the penalties which was supposed to go to paying off my debt. I am so mad!!! I was finally going to be getting back on my feet and then this crap happens. I know that I can't blame him entirely for the debt that I have but he didn't help me out when I was in school and working part time and raising our son so consequently I had to put a lot on my credit cards that shouldn't have been. I mean come on now. Why do I have to be the adult and deal with all of this? He is 7 years older than me, he should be dealing with it not me!!!!
So as I sit here waiting from a call from the dealership about when and where to drop off the car, I also have to figure out how to get it there b/c it was broken into a few months back and his lazy A$$ didn't get it fixed. Which by the way means more money that I am going to have to pay out of my pocket.
My mom did point out that this means I am completely free of him now. Ok that is a good thing but why do I have to pay to be rid of him? I paid for the divorce and he left me!! I lent him money b/c he was irresponsible, I am still helping him out when do I get to be done!!!
I hate being an adult.
Back to the car, I am the one who has been doing the running around about it. In clearly states in our divorce papers that its his car but the loan people will not accept that so they have been harassing me. I am going to have to pay on the penalties which was supposed to go to paying off my debt. I am so mad!!! I was finally going to be getting back on my feet and then this crap happens. I know that I can't blame him entirely for the debt that I have but he didn't help me out when I was in school and working part time and raising our son so consequently I had to put a lot on my credit cards that shouldn't have been. I mean come on now. Why do I have to be the adult and deal with all of this? He is 7 years older than me, he should be dealing with it not me!!!!
So as I sit here waiting from a call from the dealership about when and where to drop off the car, I also have to figure out how to get it there b/c it was broken into a few months back and his lazy A$$ didn't get it fixed. Which by the way means more money that I am going to have to pay out of my pocket.
My mom did point out that this means I am completely free of him now. Ok that is a good thing but why do I have to pay to be rid of him? I paid for the divorce and he left me!! I lent him money b/c he was irresponsible, I am still helping him out when do I get to be done!!!
I hate being an adult.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Funny for the evening
Question ... is it possible for a smoke detector to go off from a candle?
Answer... sure can. I don't know how but my son and I managed to set off the smoke detector tonight when we lit the candle in the living room.
Great I am thinking as I am twirling a towel over my head standing on a chair (at 5'1" I have to stand on something to reach just about everything) and hoping my neighbors aren't looking out their window at this very moment. What would they think of such a sight?
Then the kicker my son has decided to start a collection of used matches. I have no idea why but he likes them????? I hope this isn't the start of something worse...
Answer... sure can. I don't know how but my son and I managed to set off the smoke detector tonight when we lit the candle in the living room.
Great I am thinking as I am twirling a towel over my head standing on a chair (at 5'1" I have to stand on something to reach just about everything) and hoping my neighbors aren't looking out their window at this very moment. What would they think of such a sight?
Then the kicker my son has decided to start a collection of used matches. I have no idea why but he likes them????? I hope this isn't the start of something worse...
The beginning
I thought the first post I should do should be a little to introduce myself. I am a 25 year old single mom to a 7 year old boy. I grew up in between Baltimore and DC but now live closer to Baltimore.
The condensed version of my story is that I met my son's father when I was 16 and he was 23 and "fell in love". And then I got pregnant when I was 17, gave birth to a bouncing baby boy 6 days before my 18th birthday. Then 2 months later got married and 4 years later that went belly up so we separated. I moved in with my grandmother to finish my last year of college and he moved in with his mistress.
I graduated but it took a year to find a job which is no where in my field but hey it pays the bills and allowed us to move into a house with a roommate. There has been plenty of drama that has gotten me to where I am but I am here, standing and taking care of my business which is more than I can say for my ex. His mistress is now gone and he has had to move in with his sister. I have my son most of the time even though he has finally said he thought he could take him every other weekend. It literally took 3 years to get to that point. I am crossing my fingers that it will work. We will see and I will keep you posted.
So that is me in a nutshell a single mom with silly drama from my ex and probably assorted others.
The condensed version of my story is that I met my son's father when I was 16 and he was 23 and "fell in love". And then I got pregnant when I was 17, gave birth to a bouncing baby boy 6 days before my 18th birthday. Then 2 months later got married and 4 years later that went belly up so we separated. I moved in with my grandmother to finish my last year of college and he moved in with his mistress.
I graduated but it took a year to find a job which is no where in my field but hey it pays the bills and allowed us to move into a house with a roommate. There has been plenty of drama that has gotten me to where I am but I am here, standing and taking care of my business which is more than I can say for my ex. His mistress is now gone and he has had to move in with his sister. I have my son most of the time even though he has finally said he thought he could take him every other weekend. It literally took 3 years to get to that point. I am crossing my fingers that it will work. We will see and I will keep you posted.
So that is me in a nutshell a single mom with silly drama from my ex and probably assorted others.
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