I am such a dork, I don't want to leave the house at night, I don't want the child to give me any trouble I just want to be left alone with my tv to enjoy the night. How bad is that? I know bad right. I have a friend who has been blogging about his likes and dislikes so I thought I would follow his lead.
Monday 9/22:
Dancing with the stars--this is mindless and I watch it b/c my mom yells at me if I don't.
The big bang theory--sarah gilbert is going to be a regular OMG OMG Darlene and David are back together, now I may watch this more.
how I met your mother--this one is cute and I will catch it when I remember
Two and a half men--just a funny show my dad loves this one and calls my son jake so sometimes I will watch.
There isn't really a 10pm show I am diggin but we will see, also Hero's is back, I am not a huge fan but plenty of others are.
Tuesday 9/23
NCIS-I cannot wait to see how they wrap this up!!! The team was split up in the season final last season!!! one of the writers said they will not do play this out like House did where the old regulars are now walk ons, yay!!!
Without a trace--this show is awesome but it has been up against ER for a while so I couldn't switch over. I did watch the last season final and now cannot wait to see if Sam takes Jake up on his offer to help with the baby!!
Also SVU comes back but since it's on re runs on USA all the time I don't have to watch that in prime time.
Wednesday 9/24
Criminal Minds--the final last season had each team member getting into a black suv then a black suv blowing up well in the promos it's not a team member that is critically hurt which kind of takes some of the suspense away but I will be watching.
CSI:NY--Mack is a hostage when this comes back!!! I want to see what happens with Montana and Danny, will he fess up and will she take him back? or is it done for good???
Also a fun show if you are in the mood New Adventures of old Christine--its got its moments and Wanda Sykes is so funny I bet you could make milk come out your nose watching her.
Thursday 9/25
Greys---Yay! Meridith and Derrick are finally back together and the writers promise we will get to see happily ever after!! also Izzy should be getting some decent stories!!! So I guess we will see what happens with Izzy and Alex. I have a standing date to watch this show with my co-worker!! it's awesome.
ER--the last season ever!! sob, I really like this show but I understand after 15 seasons it might be time to go. Hopefully out with a bang!!! Uncle Jessie is sooo hot.
Also Ugly Betty returns I have been unable to get completely involved in this one but when I do I like it. It's annoying all the leaks over the summer, with moving the set to NY the actor who plays Gio is not making the switch so she won't be with him and the actor that plays Henry is getting his won show again leaks make me sad some days.
So I will update next week on what I think of the returns and also on the last of the premier's.
Happy watchin...

1 comment:
I only have shows I watch Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday... Monday is Heroes, Tuesday House and Wednesday Project Runway :)
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