Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome.
I think I have finally gotten to the point with the ex that I am never going to believe another thing he says to me again. I am so tired of his shit and just thankful that I didn't tell my son about this latest act of stupidity.
So yesterday the Captain calls to tell me he is leaving his wife and that things have gotten really bad and that her ex husband has gotten her an apartment for her and her kids and that she is leaving him on 2/1. He asks for my help to get back to MD from GA. I asked him if he was sure this was what he wanted to do, he was adamant. Fine I will help, like a fucking fool!!!! The only smart thing I did yesterday is not tell my son that his dad may be coming up here to live.
Well I hadn't heard from him since late yesterday so I am curious if he actually got on the bus to come here, he said he did. Then all of a sudden his wife wants him back and he wants to work things out with her. Fine. Good. Great. He owes me $100!!!
I was kind of excited with the idea of having help, not having to ask people to watch the monster if I want to go out. I am tired of it and I don't want to take advantage of people so I don't ask very often. I thought with the captain back in this state he might help with his child. I was wrong his dick always wins out. Now I know I shouldn't be that crude about it but I am mad.
So this is it I am at the end of my rope, I do not want him to ask me for help anymore when he can't pay his rent for his wife and her kids (just to clarify, I never gave him rent money) or whatever else is his problem. I am so done its not funny!!!
I just feel bad for my son. Even if he doesn't know of the opportunity he just lost, I do and I feel for him. So I will no longer believe anything the ex tells me b/c believing him is the definition of insanity.

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