Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have become obsessed with this series!! I got them the week between Christmas and New year, read non stop until I finished all 4 books. Then within a month re-read them again, then I found the authors website and have read everything on there about all the books and the book that might come out that is a companion to Twilight.
I read everything about this series and about the movies. I would talk about it non stop but that gets on peoples nerves. LOL. I even bought a "team edward" t-shirt, I know when the DVD comes out, its still over a month away!! There is a book about the movie coming out too that I am thinking about buying too.
This is just bad, I really need to find something else to read to become engrossed in b/c I think my obsession is unhealthy!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Here's the story. I was at lunch yesterday and my phone rings, I notice that the number is from my son's school and immediately I groan b/c lately he has been getting phantom illnesses which makes him call me. Here's how the conversation went:

Me: Hello

Principal: Hell, I am trying to reach M's mother

Me: This is her

Principal: This is your childs principal and I need to talk to you, he is not in trouble but he did come see me today.

Me: umm ok (in my head, oh crap oh crap oh crap)

Principal: You son's teacher sent him to me today b/c while in vocabulary class he and another little boy got into a conversation about weed. When I asked him why he was talking about it, he said it just popped into his head.

Me: what?? (in my head, WTF??? where did he get this, what did I say OMFG I am that parent)

Principal: Now I know with things going on right now he has probably heard some things in the news but I told him he cannot talk about them in school and I hope you will reiterate that to him at home.

Me: Oh I will (in my head, did we even talk about Michael Phelps, what about MTV what has he been watching I thought I was there too, did I miss something?? Oh no I have that kid! )

Principal: He is not in trouble and he is concerned that would call you but I had to. He also wouldn't eat lunch today he said he was sick over the weekend and didn't think he should eat.

Me: Thank you for calling I will talk to him this evening.

Hang up

So now the freak out starts! Why was he talking about Weed, what does he know about it? Where did he hear about it. I always joke that I have a teenager, my child has always been an old man stuck in a little kids body but I am not ready for this I cannot have this talk with him, OMG!
So what do I do? I call my dad who laughs b/c his grandson is talking about weed, then he tells me to use Michael Phelps as an excuse and he thinks the school over reacted. What do I hear. Na na na na your kid talks about weed.
Then the question what in vocabulary class could have him think of weed?????
So I continue freaking out during lunch and the rest of the day at work, thankfully I had a boat load waiting for me when I got back to distract me from this some what.

I race home to get him from my aunt who picked him up early and fed him. Good now I can just talk to him...

Me: So how was school today?

Child: Good (looks nervous)

Me: How was vocabulary?

Child: fine

Me: (annoyed now) did anything happen in school today?

Child: No.

Me: Ok now your principal called today about your conversation.

Child: Oh

Me: I am not mad at you I just have to know what made you think of weed in vocabulary.

This is where he goes into a long story about homophones and talking about those in class and I am thinking great he thought of weed as a homophone! Nope he just thought of Michael Phelps. (ok so we did talk about this last night how could I forget??). It turns out all he said was that Michael Phelps got in trouble for smoking weed. Another student heard this and told the teacher who promptly sent mine to the office.
So my freak out was not necessary but OMG!!! The teacher didn't even bother to figure out what was going on??? I wonder is my child going to be known as the one who brought up weed in 3rd grade???
I know a few years from now this will be funny to me and I am sure I am going to tease him about this as a teen but right now I am still a little freaked.
Just thought I would share my lovely day with you.