Monday, March 14, 2011

Why am I always the stand it?

I am tired of being a man's stand in until they find who they are looking for.

I met this guy online in Nov/Dec and I thought we hit it off and have similar personalities but today he emails me and tells me he is talking to someone else. ok fine, good luck with that. But the more I sat here the madder I got..WTH buddy he would only talk to me during work hours via email and only wanted to get together if he was going to get some. Instead of taking the high road I told him that. At one point he says "I really enjoy talking to ya and think ur a smart, funny, sexy girl...I don't know" Again WTH??? So I responded "you do know and its not me, good luck."

After all of this all I want is a big old glass of wine and a Hershey bar but 1. I am at work and 2. I gave up chocolate for lent, boo!!! And now my question to the universe: When am I going to meet a man who wants me for me and not a damn stand in?

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