Friday, May 29, 2009


So for about 6 months I was casually dating this guy but I just never felt it was more than friendship so I told him that I thought we should be friends and today I see that we cannot even be superficial friends online and this bugs the shit out of me! I think we kissed once and it didn't go any further than a little peck but now we can't be even be facebook friends??? I mean sheesh! I am frustrated and I don't know why this is bugging me aside from the fact that I genuinely liked him as a person just not as a boyfriend.
I guess that is what I get for dating a boy 3 years younger than me. Besides with the way my life plays out he will find someone soon to fall in love with. I seem to be good luck for that sort of thing you date me and it won't work out and then the next person you get with you stay with for a while. It's kind of like that movie Good Luck Chuck with Dane Cook except I don't intend to sleep with a bunch of guys so they can find their spouse.
Well whatever I guess I just need to get over it. You can't be friends with them all, huh?

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